Let go of the past. Let go of the future. Let go of what is happening now. Don't analyze. Don't even meditate. Just relax, right now, and rest. ” - Tilopa

About Meditation

When we are focused on thoughts of the past or future, we often find ourselves stuck in cycles of worry, regret, and fear. Meditation gives us the ability to decide what we want to focus on, grounds us in the present moment, and ultimately leads to an understanding of our true nature. A nature that is perfectly complete, just as it is. Meditation is easy to learn and apply, and there are an incredibly diverse number of methods to suit just about anyone. I believe in the power of this practice and will share it with absolutely anyone who needs it. Check out my videos on Youtube, the Kemptville Mindfulness Club, or one of my classes at Bodhi Tree Yoga Studio. I also offer private sessions in Ottawa and the surrounding area and on Zoom on the basis of dana, or generosity, and no student is turned away for lack of funds. To find out more, use the contact form below!

About Justin

Justin is a householder yogi who is lucky to count himself as a student of some of the great meditation masters of the Nyingma, Kagyü, and Bön Buddhist lineages of Tibet. He came to the path after struggling with depression and anxiety and found that Buddhist meditation and practices had the answers he was looking for. Justin currently teaches classes at Bodhi Tree Yoga Studio, the Kemptville Mindfulness Club, and teaches privately online and in Ottawa and the surrounding area.

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